Monday, February 16, 2015

The 5 Languages of Love can help your relationships

The 5 languages of Love
It’s a fact that everyone needs to be loved. The complicated thing is that everyone prefers to be shown love in different ways. Some people like to be given complements, others like to be showered with gifts. Finding out what type of love language works best for you and others can strengthen your relationships. Communicate with your loved ones to find out exactly what their love language is. Gary D. Chapman wrote a book with an in-depth analysis of the 5 languages, but here is a quick overview of the 5 ways people like to be shown love! 

Words of Affirmation
If a loved one prefers words of affirmation that means they prefer spoken praise and appreciation. They enjoy being complemented on their work and feel the best and most appreciated when you do so. 

“Thank you for taking the trash out, I really appreciate it!”

Acts of Service
For those who prefer to be shown love in acts of service, to them actions speak louder than words. These people enjoy a person doing simple acts for them such as helping clean the house or offering to help them with a large project. 

“Oh don’t worry, I already cleaned the house for you.”

Receiving Gifts
For those who speak this language of love, nice surprises are what makes them happy. The gifts don’t need to be expensive, it’s more of the thought that counts. Little things like a homemade card or flowers will make those who speak this language feel loved the most.

“I was thinking about you today, so I stopped and picked up your favorite candy”

Quality Time
Those who speak the love language of quality time feel loved the most when you give them your undivided attention. Turning off the TV and really listening and conversing with them shows that you really care. 

“So how was your day?”

Physical Touch
There is an emotional power in human touch, and for those who speak this love language touch is the best way to show your love. Something as simple as a hug makes them feel loved and appreciated. 

“You looked like you had a bad day, give me a hug it will be ok” 
Although people experience multiple preferences in the love languages, we all tend to lean more towards one more than the others. 

So what love language do you prefer?
What love languages do you think your different loved ones prefer?

Written By: Jenai Muhammad, Graduate level intern, Loring Therapy, LLC
Edited By: Charity M. Loring, LMSW

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