Wednesday, July 13, 2016

CONFIDENCE - You are not born with it, you Create it.

3 steps to Building Confidence
(Building Confidence is a natural treatment for Depression & Anxiety) 

Step 1:  Quick Fix - Creating confidence is a long term goal. To help keep you motivated, use positive reinforcers and create short term goals, AKA “Quick Fix’s” to encourage along the way. 

  • Picture what your success would look like.
  •  Be informed. Give yourself helpful knowledge through research to better understand yourself and the world around you.
  • Listen to or watch something that motivates you.
  • Give yourself a Pep Talk or helpful reflective thinking.
  •  Start with small manageable goals to feel accomplishment along the way.
  • Power Poses
  •  What are some other options you can think of? _______________________________________________________________

Step 2: Believe in your ability to improve - It’s not about doing things perfect the first time around, it’s about your ability to learn and improve along the way. 

  • Fixed Mindset - The belief that your talents/abilities are locked in place at birth.
  • Growth Mindset - The belief that abilities can improve.  
Watch a video about it here:

Did you know? Neuroscience has proven that connections in the brain get stronger, as do abilities, the more you practice something.
"What you practice always grows stronger."

Step 3:  Practice Failure - We all fail sometimes. Those who fail and keep trying, face challenges in a constructive way by trying different strategies, look for advice or learn through trial and error will have gained knowledge and understanding.

Examples: JK Rowling - Harry Potter Book rejected 12 times before it was published. Wright Brothers - created flight through multiple attempts with trial and error. 

Take on a challenge, big or small. What will it be? 

  1. Start small with manageable steps to feel some accomplishment here and there without getting too overwhelmed (so you won’t give up early in the game).
  2. Use Trial and Error multiple times to gain knowledge and improve.
  3. Realize it will probably not be easy and that you’ll make mistakes. Be kind to yourself when you make mistakes. The growth process thrives with Positive reinforcers like being encouraging to your yourself and practicing patience. Negative reinforcers, such as negative self talk or giving up too early will shut down motivation and the learning process. 
Charity Loring, LMSW
Clinical Mental Health Therapist
Loring Therapy LLC
Garden City, MI