Monday, March 16, 2015

10 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

In a world where we are constantly overwhelmed with the stressors of work, school, family, finances, health, transportation, time management, etc., it’s so easy to neglect our mental health.  The following suggestions are ten fairly simple things we can incorporate into our routines that can significantly improve our mental health.
  1. Mind your body – the body and mind work in tandem, a healthy body promotes a healthy mind and vice versa.
  2. Volunteer – volunteering can boost your self-esteem and it also allows you to socialize, help others and learn more about your community.
  3. Relax more – life can be busy, make sure to find time for relaxation.
  4. Associate with positive people – surrounding yourself with supportive friends and family helps to maintain our mental health.  Make sure you have enough positive people in your life and be mindful of how much time you spend with folks who consistently have a negative attitude.  
  5. Eliminate bad habits – ditch or manage moderation with the tobacco, alcohol, fast food, or any other short-term pleasure provider.  They have long-lasting negative effects on our body and mental health.
  6. Ask for help when needed – don’t struggle alone, reach out and let people help you. This benefits you but also gives loved ones an opportunity to play a more important role in your life.
  7. Do more of what makes you happy – it’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life! Don’t forget about the things that you love to do and make time to fit them in.  Making yourself happy puts you in a good mood and in turn makes others around you more happy.
  8. Set life goals – take the time to think about your life and where you want it to go.  Set realistic life goals and design a manageable path to reach them.
  9. Keep a diary – writing in a diary has multiple benefits.  Journaling can help you process your emotions, it allows you to put a focus on positives, negatives and all the emotions in between.  Journaling can act as a release for negative energy, it can help you identify triggers for your anxiety or depression, and it can help you to gain a better perspective on issues you’re dealing with.
  10. Communicate more – communicate freely with the people in your life.  The more you communicate, the easier it is to recognize issues with yourself or with those you care about.  Communication allows for you to give and receive support from the people in your life and strengthen bonds in your relationships by better understanding yourself and others.
While these things may seem trivial, impossible, or even ridiculous to some of us, they can make a big difference in your quality of life.  Try to work past any skepticism you have and work to incorporate these things into your life.  They’re simple things that can go a long way to help you feel better mentally and physically.  Good luck!

Written by: Amanda Furca, Graduate Level Intern, Loring Therapy LLC
Edited by: Charity M. Loring, LMSW
Adapted from the PsychCentral Blog:
“10 Quick & Easy Ways to Improve Your Mental Health,”
By Paul Jenkins


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Dancing alleviates Stress, Depression and Anxiety

Are you struggling with stress and depression?  Research suggests that dancing can help to reduce your depression and stress.  The focus and physical exertion of dance is capable of reducing cortisol which is known as the “stress hormone.”  Dancing in general is shown to have positive effects on our mental health.  If you’ve tried meditation, mindfulness, or breathing exercises and found they don’t work for you, maybe it’s time to get out your dancing shoes. 
Dancing alone can reduce stress, but structured dancing with choreography or with a partner indicate higher levels of success in depression and stress reduction due to the mind and body working together by using cerebral and cognitive thought processes along with muscle memory.  If you’re dancing at home remember to focus on the music and your body, let your emotions go.  If you’re able to, join a dance class or take tango or ballroom dancing lessons with a friend or partner.  

Written by: Amanda Furca, Graduate Level Intern, Loring Therapy LLC
Edited by: Charity M. Loring LLMSW
Adapted from the PsychCentral Blog:
“Dance Away Stress and Depression,”
By Christy Matta, MA

Monday, March 9, 2015

Divorce Self-Care

Coping with Depression after Divorce


Divorce is no easy situation.  It often brings many mixed emotions, including depression.  If not managed, this depression can spiral out of control into a chronic affliction.  Some tips to help you cope with life after divorce are:

• Write a goodbye letter to all of the things you’ll no longer have due to the divorce.  From in-laws to waking up next to someone daily, write it all down in a goodbye letter.
• Write a hello letter, analyze your life and recognize all of the things you will have stemming from your divorce.  From more time to yourself to not sharing the television remote, write it all down in a hello letter.
• Try to get physical contact.  Hug your friends and family more, get massages, or manicures/pedicures.  
• Analyze your internal dialogue.  If you find that the dialogue is negative and self-loathing, change the conversation.  Be kind to yourself and be mindful of avoiding the negativity you may have towards yourself as you move forward.
• Think about what you want for yourself.  Where will you be in one yearr?


These tips may help you transition by providing a sense of closure to your marriage while welcoming a new life, goals, and dreams.  Take this time to be self-reflective.  Try to get in touch with who you are as an individual and determine where you want to take your life.  Take small steps and remember to be good to yourself.  Accept support and ask for help if you need it.  Getting a handle on your emotional turmoil early on is the key to prevent it from becoming debilitating.  If it seems it is difficult to manage your emotions in regards to divorce, you may want to consider getting the professional help of a mental health therapist. Divorce is not easy, but remember these exercises and tips and try to utilize them in your coping process!  



Written by: Amanda Furca, Graduate Level Intern, Loring Therapy LLC

Edited by: Charity M Loring, LMSW

Adapted from the Psych Central article, How To Deal With Depression After Divorce: 5 Actionable Tips,” by YourTango Experts.


Forgiveness. Why & How?

There have been many times in our lives that people have hurt us, made us unhappy etc. Whatever the situation may be, it is always important to forgive so that we can release the burden or hurt, anger or resentment from ourselves. Usually, holding onto these things hurts us more than it does the other person. Forgiving is sometimes easier said than done though. Below are the benefits of forgiveness and steps to forgive. 

Benefits of forgiving 

  • Healthier Relationships
  • Less stress, anxiety, and hostility 
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Fewer symptoms of depression
  • Stronger immune system 
  • Higher Self-esteem 

How to Reach a State of Forgiveness 

  • Reflect on the facts of the situation, how you've reacted, and how this combination has affected your life, health and well-being.
  • Consider the value of forgiveness and its importance during a certain situation in your past.
  • Forgive the person, when you’re ready.
  • Move away from your role as a victim and release the control the offending person or situation has had in your life up until this point. 
  • If this is too difficult to do on your own, contact a Mental Health Therapist to help you process the hurt, anger or sadness brought on by this person or situation so you can work towards letting go of the past and empowering yourself to move forward in your life.

Written By: Jenai Muhammad, graduate level intern, Loring Therapy, LLC 
Edited by: Charity M. Loring, LMSW